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Cinderella & the Prince's Ball

Themed Events

Course details

Cinderella and Prince Charming’s Ball


Traditional Tales


Tatton Park Mansion


90 minutes


April – July & September – October

Age Recommendation:

Early Years and Key Stage 1

Curriculum Links:

English, Drama, Physical Education (Dance)

Session Plan Produced:

05/05/2017, Laura   Armitage (Learning and Visitor Services Manager)


Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcomes

1. To understand the   main events and the sequence of them in the traditional tale, Cinderella

“Becoming   increasingly familiar with and retelling a wider range of stories, fairy   stories and traditional tales” – English  

2. To understand the   main themes in the traditional tale, Cinderella

“Pupils   should be taught to recognise themes in what they read, such as the triumph   of good over evil or the use of magical devices in fairy stories and folk   tales” – English

3. To understand that   stories have a beginning, middle and an end

“Pupils   should begin to understand how written language can be structured” – English

4. To use drama to become part of the traditional tale, Cinderella

“Providing   opportunities for pupils to develop and order their ideas by playing roles   and improvising scenes in various settings”

“Roleplay   can help pupils identify with/explore characters”  English


Group Size:

This programme can accommodate 12-90 children. If you have a larger group, we are happy to discuss a bespoke timetable with you.


Children will compare and contrast the lives of Cinderella (before she was a princess) and Prince Charming, through hands on activities. Children will have the opportunity to perform a basic dance in the beautiful Staircase Hall, where Prince Charming's ball is set up to take place. The workshop is a hands on storytelling tour, which will examine the Mansion's staterooms and the servant's quarters.


Make an enquiry using our Schools Enquiry form or contact us to discuss your requirements at / 01625 374428.

Risk Assessment:

Information about risk assessments and our health and safety procedures for this workshop.