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*SOLD OUT* Creative Writing with Joy Winkler

10 July 2024


Creative Writing Collage


Diaries, memoir, and travel

Join us for this exciting creative writing workshop with former Cheshire Poet Laureate, published author, playwright and experienced workshop facilitator, Joy Winkler. Of this workshop, Joy says….

I’m sure that we could all stare at the Taj Mahal, and each have something different to say about it. Our experiences are just that – ‘ours’. In this workshop we will look at some of the best writers in this genre and at now they engage us to read their record keeping and reflections. Expressing our personal experiences with wit, genuine emotion and honesty can transform our memoir writing, making it interesting and compelling for our readers. This is about what to tell and how to tell it.

Book Your Place

Meeting Point: Barn Rooms (Stableyard)

Places Available: 14


10.30am – 4.00pm


£30 per person (includes: Creative Writing Workshop with a former Cheshire Poet Laureate, Park Entry and Garden Entry)