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April 2020 Lambs are being born at Tatton Park

Helping you stay connected to nature

 Tatton’s Parkland is a beautiful space, especially in springtime, and our purpose is to share it with as many people as possible. Tatton Park may be closed for the period of the lockdown, but we’re trying to share the beauty, nature and history of Tatton Park with you in any way we can, so keep an eye on our website and social media channels for news from around the Park.

The first lambs have been born!

We are officially in Lambing Week and the Farm has reported the arrival of the first lambs! Mothers and babies (37 so far!) are doing well. In addition to the commercial crossbreed at the Farm, we also have two different types of sheep in Tatton Park’s Parkland; Hebridean and Soay.


If you’ve spotted black sheep at Tatton Park, they’re Hebridean, and one of the oldest existing flocks on record, dating from 1887. Over the years, ours have developed an endearing physical trait called a ‘topknot’, which is basically frizzy hair on top of the head! Our Rangers are reporting the addition of 50 lambs to the flock so far – and they’re real cuties!


The brown ‘goat-like’ sheep you may have seen at the Park are Soay. This small, primitive breed is thought to have been farmed as long ago as the Bronze Age. They are later to lamb than Hebridean sheep. For both breeds, our Rangers only intervene if there are complications or if a lamb is abandoned by its mother.

Lord Egerton’s legacy

The will of the last Lord Egerton of Tatton requested that two rare breeds of sheep continue to be grazed on the Tatton Estate and today, these unusual flocks can be found in the various paddocks around the Mansion.

“The sheep are a vital part of Tatton’s heritage” says Darren Morris, Senior Ranger at Tatton Park.  “Visitors love them and they’re a useful educational resource as well as enhancing the Parkland – just as Lord Egerton intended.  We are proud to be custodians of such beautiful animals with such a rich history”

Our gates may be closed, but you can visit us online

We’ll do our best to share interesting wildlife moments and beautiful images from the Parkland, Farm and Garden, where vital activities are being carried out by a small number of staff. Here’s how you can stay in touch with happenings at Tatton Park during the lockdown:

  • – we’re updating the Springtime in the Park pages as much as possible with updates from staff carrying out essential work across the Estate during the lockdown period
  • e-news – sign up on our website and receive updates from Tatton Park
  • Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – find us @TattonPark
  • Candide Gardening App - download onto your phone and search for Tatton Park

A message to our customers during the coronavirus outbreak

Tatton Park is currently closed to the public. This is a temporary measure that is being kept under regular review as we respond to the national and local situation.

Stay safe and we hope to welcome you to Tatton Park in the near future.


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